Awards & Reviews

The Word Awards were established to encourage the pursuit of excellence in the art, craft, practice and ministry of writing and help to raise the profile of Canadian writers who are Christian.
The Way I See Things won in the Non-Fiction Life Stories Category.


Reviews For "The Way I See Things"

"Profound perspective on the lived experience of brain injury." S.M.

"I am looking at my day-to-day stresses in a different light because of your book." M.A.

"It is honest, uplifting and well written." A.R.

"What a powerful story of courage and faith. I had a hard time putting it down, it is so well written, so open, honest and genuine. I wish your book was required reading for every doctor, especially surgeons, nurses and therapists. Such a powerful reminder of what it is like to be a patient and parent at the receiving end of care." J.F.

"I really do believe it will help anyone who has been suddenly thrown into a major trauma and give them hope." J.C.

"I found myself immersed in emotion, connectedness, faith, and hope. This blatantly honest book drew me in from the beginning and before long I found myself nibbling at my nails with concern, and yes, even shedding a tear now and again." G.B.

"One thing that shines through that hasn't changed in the pre and post accident Ashley is your positivity and ability to see the good in any situation." T.C.